
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7641 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/8/2013
Subject: end of arc differs ij mode issue
kmotion seems to not like my g code files that have worked fine in mach3 for years. kmotion will like the same gode as mach3 right? i use partsmaster/dolphin cam fyi.
i try and change the g90 to g90.1 to g91.1 to g91, no difference.
i searched and a guy mentioned something about a "tp params". i assume he means parameters?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 7643 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/9/2013
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
Hi Matt,

KMotionCNC accepts G90 and G91 but not G90.1 or G91.1.  The I J center point must always be relative.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 7645 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/9/2013
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
i tryed both G90 and G91 in the G code with no change at all on the kmotion error.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7646 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/9/2013
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
Hi Matt,

That is because G90 and G91 do not effect the I J mode.  KMotionCNC only accepts arc I J in relative mode.  You must change your GCode to be I J Relative mode.  I'd be surprised if your CAD system can not do this.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 7648 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/9/2013
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
this is what i use on the pro level....
the help tabs in both the cad and cam show nothing about "relative"

could this be because the post processor outputs something in the code kmotion does not like?
thanks matt

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> That is because G90 and G91 do not effect the I J mode.  KMotionCNC only accepts arc I J in relative mode.  You must change your GCode to be I J Relative mode.  I'd be surprised if your CAD system can not do this.
> Regards
> TK
> ________________________________
> From: yeamans115 <yeamans115@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 10:57 AM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
> i tryed both G90 and G91 in the G code with no change at all on the kmotion error.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7649 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/9/2013
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
Hi Matt,

I Googled for you and found this:


Looks like to change I J from absolute to incremental change lines in the Dolphin CAM post processor from:

    #I =     {  $XCEN:XARC }
    #J =     {  $YCEN:YARC }


    #I =     {  $XCEN-$OLDX:XARC }
    #J =     {  $YCEN-$OLDY:YARC }


Group: DynoMotion Message: 7651 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/9/2013
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
great! i will look into that asap.
i guess this means all my codes i use have to go through the cam again with the right post processor?

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> I Googled for you and found this:
> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/dolphin_cadcam/82846-post_partmaster_mach3.html#post625684
> Looks like to change I J from absolute to incremental change lines in the Dolphin CAM post processor from:
>     #I =     {  $XCEN:XARC }
>     #J =     {  $YCEN:YARC }
> to
>     #I =     {  $XCEN-$OLDX:XARC }
>     #J =     {  $YCEN-$OLDY:YARC }
> Regards
> TK
> ________________________________
> From: yeamans115 <yeamans115@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 1:50 PM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
> interesting
> this is what i use on the pro level....
> http://www.dolphincadcamusa.com/
> the help tabs in both the cad and cam show nothing about "relative"
> could this be because the post processor outputs something in the code kmotion does not like?
> thanks matt
> --- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Matt,
> >
> > That is because G90 and G91 do not effect the I J mode.  KMotionCNC only accepts arc I J in relative mode.  You must change your GCode to be I J Relative mode.  I'd be surprised if your CAD system can not do this.
> >
> > Regards
> > TK
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: yeamans115 <yeamans115@>
> > To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 10:57 AM
> > Subject: [DynoMotion] Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> > i tryed both G90 and G91 in the G code with no change at all on the kmotion error.
> >
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7662 From: yeamans115 Date: 6/14/2013
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
nice, now to see about customizing it a little.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> I Googled for you and found this:
> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/dolphin_cadcam/82846-post_partmaster_mach3.html#post625684
> Looks like to change I J from absolute to incremental change lines in the Dolphin CAM post processor from:
>     #I =     {  $XCEN:XARC }
>     #J =     {  $YCEN:YARC }
> to
>     #I =     {  $XCEN-$OLDX:XARC }
>     #J =     {  $YCEN-$OLDY:YARC }
> Regards
> TK
> ________________________________
> From: yeamans115 <yeamans115@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 1:50 PM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
> interesting
> this is what i use on the pro level....
> http://www.dolphincadcamusa.com/
> the help tabs in both the cad and cam show nothing about "relative"
> could this be because the post processor outputs something in the code kmotion does not like?
> thanks matt
> --- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Matt,
> >
> > That is because G90 and G91 do not effect the I J mode.  KMotionCNC only accepts arc I J in relative mode.  You must change your GCode to be I J Relative mode.  I'd be surprised if your CAD system can not do this.
> >
> > Regards
> > TK
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: yeamans115 <yeamans115@>
> > To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 10:57 AM
> > Subject: [DynoMotion] Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> > i tryed both G90 and G91 in the G code with no change at all on the kmotion error.
> >
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11797 From: andysontag Date: 6/27/2015
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue

Hi Tom,

I’m a little confused about G91.1. It appears G91.1 is the incremental (relative) mode for I, J, & K offsets that is suppose to be used with KMotion. However it appears that G90.1 is an absolute mode for I, J, & K offsets that shouldn’t be used with KMotion. Is this correct?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11798 From: andysontag Date: 6/27/2015
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
Hi Tom,

I'm a little confused concerning G91.1. It appears that G91.1 is in fact the incremental (relative) mode for I, J, & K offsets that is suppose to be used with KMotion. However G90.1 appears to be an absolute mode for I & J offsets and shouldn't be used with KMotion. Is this correct?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 11804 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/27/2015
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
Hi Andy,

KMotionCNC only supports Incremental I J K mode for arc centers.  Those GCodes for switching modes are not supported or allowed.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11819 From: Andy Sontag Date: 6/28/2015
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
I understand that KMotion currently throws out an error if your Gcode includes G90.1 or G91.1, although would it be safe to assume that G91.1 is the correct mode to be in? Regardless of whether or not KMotion supports the ability to switch between absolute and incremental modes for arc centers?


On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Hi Andy,

KMotionCNC only supports Incremental I J K mode for arc centers.  Those GCodes for switching modes are not supported or allowed.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11820 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/28/2015
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
Hi Andy,

Yes KMotionCNC always operates in Incremental I J K mode for arc centers.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11824 From: Andy Sontag Date: 6/29/2015
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue

Would it then make sense for KMotion to only throw an error if G90.1 were present in the Gcode, rather than when either G90.1 or G91.1 are present? 

I've already modified my post processor to omit any mention of G91.1 so it won't make any difference for me although the change could prevent someone in the future from needing to modify a stock emc post processor.


On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 9:28 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Hi Andy,

Yes KMotionCNC always operates in Incremental I J K mode for arc centers.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11828 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/29/2015
Subject: Re: end of arc differs ij mode issue
Hi Andy,

That sounds like a good idea.
